
Fine Art

Project Details

Client Self Promotion


Title The "First Song" Series

Media Alcohol & Metalic Inks

Date 2016

I see the complexity of life as a beautiful harmony of organic pattern and color. However, even in life’s greatest moments there is always an element of sadness.

Navajo spirituality believes that the ever-recurring theme of loneliness led to crying, and from crying came songs. In this series, I present my interpretation of the very first songs, ascending from emotion to form a beautiful, mysterious, and complex tapestry of the human condition.

Project Details

Client Self Promotion



Media Ink & Watercolor

Date 2016

This collection of original works consists of a total of 5 large pieces created on watercolor paper using watercolors and ink.

The impressionist theme for these works explores the inner-conflicts of the rational mind exposed metaphorically with color and free-form black ink. The result of the conflict is represented in ballet-like poses and petals of colorful emotion.

Project Details

Client Self Promotion


Title Facebook

Media Acrylic

Date 2015

I've always been fascinated by the incorporation of real people into my work. I take people I know and apply features of printmaking color and pattern, creating a wholly new artistic persona. My personal acquaintences as artistic objects become both familiar and very mysterious. This project featured 6-color process silkscreen printing on over 15 different textured papers, and a handmade self-folding booklet cover.

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